Sunday, August 25, 2013

1.1 Special relativity JIF 103

Chapter 1 Relativity

    1. Special relativity
I have read chapter 1.1 topic from page 2 to 5 of our text Book (Arthur Beiser Modern Physics) I hope all you physics majoring will cover it too.

From the first topic titled special relativity. Several main points must be understand

A) All motion is relative, the speed of light is the same for all observers

B) Inertial frame of reference concept is use in relativity in comparing motion of one object to the motion of one or more object where all must obey Newton first law of motion.

That being said all inertial frame of reference are equally valid and the special relativity theory was introduce by Albert Einstein in 1905 to deal with the lack of universal frame of reference.

Two Postulates of special relativity
    1)The law of physics are the same in all inertial frame of reference
    2)The speed of light in free space has the same value in all inertial frame of reference

Benefits of special relativity
Actually prove that newton Mechanics is valid for speed slower than light
and Maxwell theory is consistent with relativity.
Newton First law is also call the law of inertia which meant Einstein actually proven Newton law of motion by supporting his Special relativity theory with the concept of inertial frame of reference.

Refresh back from our matriculation and SPM Physics
Newton first law of motion = A body at rest will continue to be at rest if no other force is working on it.  A body in motion will tend to be in motion at constant speed if no other external force is working agains it (Of course in practical application a moving body will always suffer external force working against it making it slow down or stopping i.e friction, drag force, gravity and so on) 

This chapter only involve theory so as long as we read the theory than its okay.

I have two question for you all. This question is taken from Giambattista College Physics Mccgraw

Question 1

The answer for question 1. is C and question 2 is d. Please discuss here why the answer is so.

Another two question is from our beloved Arthur Beiser modern physics textbook page 49. We will discuss it tomorrow.

The question is here

NOTE: Please go through my simplified overview with your text book for better understanding.

Reference Citation
1. Concept of Modern Physics Author :Arthur Beiser chapter 1
2.College Physics Author: Giambattista Chapter 2

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